MSN Program Information

作为一个纯粹的在线护理硕士(MSN)学位,该计划提供 both flexibility and academic rigor. The 37-credit hour MSN degree will accommodate 学生的学术,个人和职业目标,并允许灵活性 student lifestyles and geographical locations. This degree prepares registered nurses (注册护士)促进健康,并为群体提供预防和治疗护理服务 或者在公共卫生机构监督下的社区. Public health nurses 照顾所有人,与社区合作,教育社区成员 社区健康问题,并帮助卫生保健组织改善健康 and safety. 这不是高级执业注册护士(APRN)学位.

有关MSN程序的具体信息概述在 Graduate Student Handbook.

MSN学位为毕业生承担管理和领导角色做准备 impact public health initiatives. A MSN degree with a focus on public health allows 毕业生对各个群体的客户和患者都有严重的影响 the wide range of public health practices. Graduates of this MSN program are qualified to work in the following areas:
* Any general registered nursing position
* Nurse Educator
* Nurse Infection Preventionist
* Public Health Nurse Specialist
* Disaster Specialist
* Health Services Research Analyst
* Nurse Researcher
* Nurse Author
* Community Health Clinics

该方案包括社区和农村卫生、疾病预防、 健康教育、社区健康评估、护理理论、流行病学、公共卫生 卫生统计和循证护理实践,公共卫生原则,预防 医学、公共卫生政策法规、公共卫生保健服务等相关 行政职能、公共卫生经济学和预算、社会决定因素、 and nursing professional standards and ethics.

该计划准备注册护士应对复杂的社会,法律,道德和公众 health policy implications affecting the public. The degree is offered as a full-time 或兼职课程,有技术护理文凭的注册护士可以申请 护理学应用科学学士(AASN)和护理学理学学士(BSN) degree. 邮政局长证书颁发给已取得香港邮政署长证书的注册护士 MS/MSN degree.




RN to MSN Track
注册护士进入该项目时,要么拥有技术护理文凭,要么拥有AASN学位 将在完成研究生课程后获得学士学位. 选择这条路径的注册护士将获得39个学分的托管,直到完成 所有本科课程和两门指定的研究生课程(高级病理生理学) and Advanced Health Assessment). RNs entering the RN to MSN track will take the same 本科BSN课程,但这些课程将以在线形式提供. 学生可以在36个月(全日制)或最长7年完成 (part-time). 如果学生选择停止学习并获得学士学位,那么换专业就可以了 be executed. BSN学位只会在完成前两个学位后授予 提到的研究生课程(高级病理生理学和高级健康评估).

RN to MSN Prerequisites
RN to MSN Semester Plan Part Time
RN to MSN Semester Plan Full Time

BSN to MSN Track
注册护士进入该计划与BSN学位将开始研究生课程期间 summer. 进入该课程轨道的学生可以在24个月内完成(全日制)或 the maximum amount of five years (part-time).

BSN to MSN Semester Plan Part Time
BSN to MSN Semester Plan Full Time

Post-Master Certificate Track
硕士后证书课程与公共MSN提供的课程相同 Health degree, starting with Phase Two courses. RN’s must have earned their MS/MSN 完成直接护理课程(高级病理生理学、高级药理学、 和高级健康评估). If the student did 他们的硕士或硕士学位中没有这些课程,他们可以选修这三门课程 我们的MSN程序在开始硕士证书课程之前. Students 可以在两到三个学期内完成,取决于开始日期(夏季[三个学期]) 只要这三门直接护理课程是他们的课程的一部分,他们就可以参加(两个学期) graduate degree.

Post Masters Certificate Semester Plan

申请MSN项目首先要提交“MSN电子申请”。 by clicking the link below.  The MSN Program Coordinator, Dr. Christine Felts, will 收到申请后跟进申请人.  Students are then directed to make application to bc365游戏. Click on the "Guidelines for Submission" link below for 必须与申请一起上传的所需文件列表. All transcripts should be sent to bc365游戏 School of Nursing, attention Dr. Felts ( to complete the application.

Application deadline is March 1. Any late applications will be considered on space available basis.

MSN Electronic Application 

Guidelines for Submission

To qualify for admission, students must have :
•居住州未受阻碍的有效注册护士执照. The RN must have a compact 如果在非居住州完成实习时间,则有多州标签的许可证.
• Grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 or above (on a 4-point scale). Students with less than a 2.75 GPA may be considered if program space is available. GPA is calculated on the last 60 undergraduate credit hours.
•所有学院/大学的正式成绩单应寄至 School of Nursing. 成绩单必须显示已授予护理学位(文凭) 护理专业,护理副学士学位,或护理学士学位).
• Two reference forms completed.  See the Guidelines for Submission link for the form

Call Dr. Christine Felts,研究生项目协调员,电话870-460-1168或发邮件至 with any questions.


bc365游戏 Financial Aid Homepage在奖学金颁发之前,当前的FAFSA必须在bc365游戏存档. The 护理学院为申请人提供了一些护理专业的奖学金. 在申请了MSN项目后,学生应该申请奖学金 clicking the following link:Master of Science in Nursing Scholarship Application作为奖学金申请的一部分,需要上传个人简历.

MSN Accreditation Status

MSN项目拥有国家护理联盟的预认证地位 护理教育认证委员会,位于西北弗吉尼亚大道2600号, Washington, DC, 20037. 202-909-2487. Holding pre-accreditation status does not guarantee that initial accreditation by NLN CNEA will be received.